Using Dave's cool little idea to start from scratch on a cool little website

In the past few years, many people have learned about the moneymaking potential of the affiliate network Clickbank. At the same time, other people found out that it was profitable to sell their useless things on eBay, and more people found out that if they put enough AdSense ads on their cool product website, they could make a good monthly profit. Taste-wise, chocolate is better than peanut butter. But when they are mixed together, they make a taste that is better than the sum of its parts. In some ways, 1+1+1=5. This formula can also be used to help you make money.

Dave has a small website that looks nice.

This idea came from Dave Purves. Dave's Neat Little Website showed us all how great it is that you can combine different affiliate programs to make any website more profitable. So, let's not waste any more time and get started learning how to make our own fun and profitable website!

Numbers Can Do Things

With Clickbank, eBay, or Adsense, you could make a good living on your own. So, why just stop there? What if you made your own website and put all three of these things on it? You could make three times as much money by working only one-third as hard. Here are the four things you need to do to start a business.

you are in charge of your territory

You'll need a domain name and hosting to get started. Think about what your website will be about, like "beautiful antiques" or "home stereo gear." When you've chosen a theme, go to to see if you can get a domain name with those words in it. If you can, you're off to a good start. also lets you host your site, so if you wanted to, you could do everything there.

Clickbank Makes Money

The next step is to make a free account on This lets you make money from any of their products that you link to on your website. At any given time, their Clickbank Marketplace has about 5000 products listed, and there are hundreds more that aren't. To get to their marketplace, just click the link on their homepage and type your theme keywords into the search bar. This will give you a wide range of items that fit well with your theme. You didn't pick one, did you?

Make money instead of spending money on eBay.

Next, you'll make another free account at Commission Junction is the company that eBay uses to handle all of its affiliates. Once you've joined the eBay affiliate network and are linked to it, you can get a powerful piece of code to put in the HTML code of your websitecool product website. Because of this, eBay auctions will show up on your site. When someone buys something from eBay through your site, you get a cut of the sale. You can choose to show products from a certain eBay category or those that match a certain phrase. I think the second choice is better because you can use your theme keywords again.

AdSense revenue supplement

Lastly, sign up for Google AdSense at Google will look at the rest of your website to see if you qualify, but you should have it all set up before you do this. Most of the time, it's not hard to qualify as long as your website looks good, does something useful, and has no broken links.

Put links to your articles on your site.

Once you have all of these things together, you should make as many web pages as you can. I think that you should use all article sources that let you print their content. So, your content based on a theme will grow. You also get a better ranking in search engines for your particular theme.

You can use my Clickbank to get to your eBay!

Set up the site so that a large block of eBay listings, which you should already have thanks to eBay's affiliate program, is shown in a prominent place. In the outer columns, put links to Clickbank products, Google AdSense ads, and your own articles that are related to the theme. There should be as many Clickbank link pages with a similar theme as there are for your topic. Make more pages if you want to promote more Clickbank links.

No matter what you do, you'll make money.

Once everything is set up, you'll have a website that makes money and that your customers won't want to leave. If someone clicks on one of your eBay ads and then buys something, you get paid. If they use a Clickbank link and buy something, you get paid. And finally, if they click on an AdSense ad, you get paid.

There are many ways to make money online

Why not make money in more than one way if you can do it in just one? Don't take the summary above as the final word. You can combine every online affiliate program you know of into one website as long as you stick to a certain theme. This will keep your customers and search engines from only seeing a web of links. This is how the big boys market on the Internet. Even though putting together a lot of products or programs won't make you rich, it might help you become financially independent. 


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